About 4-H

How to Join

  • You can enroll into 4-H anytime throughout the year, however there are a few participation events that are enrollment date specific:
    • Re-enrolling members must enroll online by November 1st in order to show at the Central Wisconsin State Junior Fair or take part in county or state sponsored 4-H events. Project changes and additions can be made online until May 1st.
    • New members must enroll online by March 1st in order to show at the Central Wisconsin State Junior Fair
  • To enroll please visit https://wi.4honline.com.
  • This enrollment guide will help you with step by step instructions on how enroll as a first time 4-H member.

Who Can Join

  • 4-H grade is determined as of October 1st.
  • Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd graders enroll as Cloverbuds. In 3rd grade, members enroll as Explorers. Beginning in 4th grade, members enroll in specific 4-H project areas (i.e. beef, soils, clothing, food and nutrition).
  • Youth continue to be eligible for membership one year beyond high school. Graduation from 4-H may be following high school graduation or one year after high school graduation.


  • Wood County 4-H charges $3.00 per youth.
  • Individual clubs may have an additional enrollment fee. Contact your club General Leader for specifics.
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